Congestive Heart Failure, or CHF, is a condition in which the heart can no longer pump enough blood to the rest of the body. While a chronic condition, CHF can sometimes can develop suddenly. As the heart’s pumping is lost, blood may back up in other areas of the body. Fluid will build up in the lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and the arms and the legs. This fluid build-up can lead to Hypertension (HTN) and even higher blood pressure.
Symptoms of this condition include increased blood pressure and breathing problems, even at rest.
Common Conditions and Diagnosis for CHF or HTN Program
- Diagnosis of CHF or HTN
- Shortness of Breath and Fatigue
- Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
- Recurrent or Chronic Swelling/Edema of the leg
- Diagnosis of Heart Failure
Our Interdisciplinary Approach
Skilled Nursing
- Complete History and Physical
- Medication Review and Teaching
- Vital Sign Monitoring Teaching
- Nutrition and Diet Education
- Weight Loss or Gain Monitoring and Teaching
- Fall Risk Assessment
- Emergency Room Visit Protocol Teaching
- Oxygen Program
- Educational Tools for Patient and Caregiver
Physical Therapy
- Complete Therapy Assessment
- Strength and ROM Assessment
- Sensory & Proprioception Assessment
- Functional Ambulation Program
- Home Safety Evaluation
- Supervised Strengthening and Conditioning Exercise
- Patient /Caregiver Education
- Equipment Evaluation and Proper Use
- Occupational Therapy
- Complete OT Assessment
- ADL’s Retraining
- Work Modification
- Energy Conservation Education
Home Health Aide
- Grooming and Bathing Assistance